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Setting up a Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance for CDC

The following section explains how to set up a Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance for CDC.

Information note

When creating the Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance, full backup must be enabled; otherwise, Replicate will not be able to capture changes.

To set up a Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance for CDC:

  1. Log in as the master user in the DB instance and set up the database for MS-CDC as follows:

    exec source_db_name.dbo.sp_cdc_enable_db

    where source_db_name is the name of the source database.

  2. To enable MS-CDC, run the following for each of the intended source tables:

    exec sys.sp_cdc_enable_table

    @source_schema = N'schema_name',

    @source_name = N'table_name',

    @role_name = NULL

    exec sys.sp_cdc_add_job @job_type = 'capture'

    exec sys.sp_cdc_add_job @job_type = 'cleanup'


    where schema_name and table_name are the names of the source schema and the source table respectively.

  3. Set the retention period for the changes to be available on the source by changing the @pollinginterval of the 'capture' job to the maximum possible value.


  • CDC is supported with the transaction log only, with no option to work with backup.
  • Events may be lost if they are moved to backup or truncated.

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